Friday, August 25, 2006

Street Hopes

He is awakened by the sound of the first jeepney to pass along the highway. He moves around and felt the ground damp, "It must have rained". Mang Tasyo never cared anyway, so he stood up and felt a small tinge of pain in his back. He ignores it and went straight to his small box sitting just beside him. He never let this box get more than half-feet away from him. He opened it with mastery and felt the pieces inside it, he still has enough for the day. Carefully, he stood up with the box in his arm and found his way to the corner of the street. He started calling out to prospects and found a man standing beside a pole, not far from where he was standing.

The man sounded pleasant. Mang Tasyo imagined him dressed in a nice polo and denims and guessed that he must be on his way to work. Mang Tasyo tried to focus until he was near him. As usual, he pretends to be just standing there as if to tease. Surely enough, when the man saw him, he immediately asked fro two sticks. Mang Tasyo was delighted but did not show it. The man gave him 4 1-peso coins. Starved with the morning breeze, he went straight to the bakery, which he was so familir with, where a small lady with creased forehead greeted him and gave him one pan for a peso.

After his full meal for the day, he was ready to go back to the street again. He will stay there 'til he feels it was time to go home, where a neatly-spread box is waiting for him to lay down. When that moment comes, he will say a silent prayer, not to ask for his sight back, but to thank God for the good day that passed and for all the good things he sees despite both eyes in the darkness.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Until then...

The room feel colder than usual. I might be somewhere else. It feels colder than ever...

The room looks darker. I might have not been here before. The room looks darker than ever...

A tiny light with warm glow is up ahead..

I slowly pace to reach it but it seems much farther than I expected..

When I reach it, I will enjoy its warmth and be contented with its light

But until then, I'll keep the light inside me glowing to lead me on...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

To Be With You

by: spidermaniac

Counting sunsets that draw each sunrise nearer
over these lonesome days
that time is nothing but a foe
leaning to our sweet memories is the only thing i want to do
every strand of our moments will weave a life so unique
entangled by faith and hope that our love is greater than all odds
nothing will ever break the bond between our hearts that beat as one
far as i can be, but no distance will take us apart
i never had a life so beautiful 'til you conquer my being
love is something i hold dear and dearly for you
life is not life if i will not share it with you
on the last line of this poem i will say one more time
now and forever i am yours and you're mine.


The night slowly creeps through
Under my sheets in the cold night
I could see nothing in the dark

Ticking past me
Time flies ahead
As I lay on my bed

Silence is defeaning
I could hear me breathing
Silently praying

Closing my eyes to sleep
You will come home
Come home to me.


Like a dust in the wind
I float without direction
Hopeful the wind will be kind

Lost in an abyss
I get to recognize the place
And slowly began to settle in

But I am a dust
And easily gets carried away
Back to the wind again

Fighting with last strength to return
To where I found comfort
Where I was part of a vast land

Soon enough there I was again
Almost.. but then, too late
I slowly watch another dust fall in.